Internacional de la Educacion America Latina

The EI app gives you access to the news, policy, campaigns, Publications of “Internacional de la Educacion.” and “Observatorio Latinoamericana de Politicas educativas,” both of these websites are part of Education International. The apps give you access to the campaigns and various analysts views on the specific topics and also the user can download the content of both sites. EI is the world’s largest, most representative, global sectoral organization of unions with more than thirty-two million trade union members in about four hundred affiliates in one hundred and seventy countries and territories.

  • Built for

  • industry


  • techno


    React Native | iPhone | Android | Mysql | Web service | PHP
  • country


    United Kingdom

A small brief about Client:

Education International is the voice of teachers and other education employees around the globe. It promotes the principle that quality education, funded publicly, should be available to every student in every country regardless of race. Education International advocates for equity in society by working to combat xenophobia and racism, and challenging discrimination on the grounds of gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, and racial or ethnic origin or characteristics. In addition, Education International assists the development of independent democratic organizations to represent teachers and other education employees that represent and promote the interests of teachers and other education employees on the international level. The organization also works with other global federations of unions to promote and achieve solidarity in education.


To reach mobile users, The client would like to build an app to display the existing functionality of his/her websites and provided APIs for all required pages.


Cyblance has built an Android and iOS app in React-native technology to speed up the development and save the cost of the project. The app has the following functionality.

Upon opening, The app will display both site’s names. The customer has to select one to view the content.

If the customer selects the First website, The app will open the home page of the site where the customer can view articles in descending date order or can search by specific keywords. Clicking on the “Hamburger” will open the main menu.

Selection of anyone on the “Main Menu” will open the Sub menu to all pages. Selection of submenu will open the respective pages.

In the “News” tab, The user can view the news about various activities, Regional meetings, campaigns, and affiliated events, news, and all.

The “Red De Trabajadoras de la Education” is the campaign tab, That will dropdown the submenu that will contain the following pages.

  • Que` es la RED de?
  • Actualidad
  • Eventos affliadas

Same as like above, the “Movimiento Pedago’gico Latinoamericano” is a campaign that dropdown the submenu for its pages.

  • Que` es la MPL?
  • Actualidad
  • Eventos affliadas

The “Sobre IEAL” tab will dropdown the submenu for following pages.

  • Qué es la IE y la IEAL
  • Comité Regional
  • Ejes de Trabajo
  • Oficina Regional
  • Organizaciones Afiliadas

The “CENTRO DE RECURSOS” tab will open the dropdown for the following pages.

  • Publicaciones IEAL
  • Publicaciones de afiliadas
  • Declaraciones
  • Denuncias
  • Videos
  • Fotografias

The user can switch from one website to another by selecting the website name at the bottom of the “Main Menu.”

Same as “Internacional de la Educación.”The “Observatorio Latinoamericana de Politicas educativas” also displays the following on the main menu.



In the analisis tab, the user can view the analysis reports and country profiles by selecting the flag of the country.


Is a news reader page, where the user can view the news articles on various topics by applying filters (Tags and country)


Sobre Olpe is a cms page displaying content about the client with the contact form to submit the user details.


React native platform is the future of mobile app development. That will save time and cost efforts in building extensive applications. We at cyblance dedicated development will help you in creating excellent mobile apps for your business.

Internacional de la Educacion America Latina

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