HIPAA Based Health Website

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About Project

HIPAA Based Health Record management is a USA-based medical records service that specializes in obtaining medical records and bills for the legal field. Their medical billing background provides a unique and custom approach to all of their users’ specific requirements. At Cyblance, we have come up with a website solution for Client wherein all confidential data over their website is encrypted, so it cannot be stolen. We have also created the login and soft delete functionality for their website.

This website that we have created is HIPAA compliant. While the patient data stays secure, the website and brand come by as reliable, and the audit and compliance requirements are easy to meet. Internal email functionality is created to avoid using third-party email servers. Data security standards are as per the industry’s best practices.

Proposed Solution

Admin Side

Dashboard Management

Data report for pending bills to collect:

At a single click of a button, an admin can see a dedicated dashboard that displays all the pending bills to collect. The fields available are Status, Patient, Provider, Attorney, Company Representative, and Created Date. An admin can search the entries by the Status or Patient.

Open Invoice data (unpaid):

An admin can also view the open invoice data entries in a single dedicated dashboard at the single click of a button. The fields for the records are Date, Patient, Attorney, and Status. An admin can search for the entries by Date and Patient.

New Job Detail (Last 3 days):

The new job detail tab over the solution displays the new jobs received over the last 3 days over a single dedicated dashboard. The fields available are Status, Patient, Attorney, Company Representative, and the Created Date. An admin can search the entries by Status or Patient.

Payment Report in Graph and List View:

Our solution for the Client has robust reporting functionalities. The payment report can be viewed in graph and list view. Search functionality has been made available for the same. One chooses the provider for whom he wants to view the report and whether he wants to see the report for daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or custom range. One can enter the relevant dates and click on submit. A table has also been provided with fields Date, Provider Name, Amount, Status, and Description. The entries can be sorted in ascending or descending order by any field. One can also search among entries or Export CSV.

Activity Graph Report:

An admin can view activity log reports for different users and different areas of work, such as payment management or permission management. He can see the entries that have been Created, Updated, sent to Trash, or Restored for the chosen time duration, in terms of starting and ending dates.

System Summary Graph:

System Summary Graph features the fields Attorney, Patient, Service Provider, Open Jobs, and Close Jobs. An admin can view the reports for any time duration by starting and end dates.

Event Management:

An attorney can create an event and manage the events patient-wise or vice versa.

User Management

Admin Management:

The admin management section features a user list that has the contact details of all users. An admin can search by First Name, Last Name, User Name, or Email. He can activate/inactivate a user, edit user details or send an entry to the trash with a single click operation. The portal also allows an admin to add a user. He can access the trash entries, and restore or delete them.

Attorney Management:

The attorney management section has the contact details of all attorneys. An admin can search the entries by First Name, Last Name, or Email. He can also conduct a range of actions over each entry, such as editing an entry, viewing it in further detail in a window, figuring out the jobs associated with the particular attorney, activating or deactivating the entry, sending the entry to trash, or export CSV.

Provide management

Hospital Service provider data management:

An admin can choose the providers from a range of categories, such as family medicine and psychiatry. The entries can be searched by Title and Type. CSVs can be imported or exported. Each entry can be edited, and a log may be requested. Different locations of the provider can be viewed with the contact details. Herein, new entries may be created, and information can be edited or sent to the trash.

Job management

Bill management:

An admin can manage all bills from the past or those generated on the present date. They can be sorted by the bill amount or the purpose of billing. The entries are searchable and can be viewed in ascending or descending order of the date or bill amount.

Hospital/doctor selection management:

An admin can manage view, edit, send to trash, or restore the different entries for doctors and the hospitals for which they provide their services. They can add doctors to a hospital and vice versa.

Expense report check:

An admin can view, edit, send to trash or restore expense check report for different entries. He can see the different fields, such as internal medicine for which the expenses took place. The entries are searchable and can be sorted in ascending and descending order by the date.

Invoice generation:

An admin can generate invoices for any particular job, export or import CSV, or email the invoices to any of the stakeholders.

Chat Functionality:

An admin can activate the chat functionality and chat with any of the attorneys or leave a message on corporate matters.

Export all job-related data in .csv File:

An admin can export all job-related data in a .csv file. This simplifies processing the information for analysis, accounting, marketing, or strategizing purposes.

Attorney management

Profile management:

An attorney can manage the profile for each of his jobs. He can sort the entries by Patient, Status, and Date. He can view the entries, edit them, and use a color-coded calendar with a single click operation for each entry to maintain information such as Deposition, Trial, Court Appearance, and Disclosure Deadline. Invoices and related documents can also be viewed with a single click operation.

Attorney Work Report:

An attorney can see his daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or custom-range work report. He can sort entries by the patient, nature of work conducted, or status.

Admin Can directly access an attorney account without login credentials:

An admin has the privilege to directly access an attorney account without having the relevant login credentials.

Provider management

Health Service providers add or remove:

An admin can edit the entries for health service providers and add in the relevant details. He can also add or remove the entries for health service providers.

Search Functionality for Health service providers:

The dashboard for health service providers features robust search functionalities, and an admin can search by Title or Type. He can also search for providers whose name begins with a particular alphabet.

Import/export Health Service Provider data through.csv file:

The data relating to a health service can be exported or imported using a .csv file.

Job has done Track report display:

An admin can view a report on pending or finished jobs, with each of the developments or changes in status mentioned using a timestamp.

Patient management

Patient detail management:

An admin or attorney can manage or edit patient details. He can send entries to trash, restore them, and access related documents for each entry.

Import/export patient data through .csv File:

An admin can import or export .csv files for each patient’s data.

Patient detail view:

An admin can access the detailed view for a patient in a window with a single click operation.

Patient payment detail (paid/pending):

An admin can access details or status of a patient’s payment at any time, whether it is paid or pending.

Message Board

Chat Functionality:

An admin can activate chat functionality to instantly chat with any of the attorneys or users, or leave a message.


Page Content Management:

Managing the website content from the backend is simplified through our custom CMS solution.

Email Template Management

Custom Template Manage:

An admin can create custom templates for sending email messages and compose emails in lesser time. Different templates can be created for different sets of users, attorneys, or stakeholders.

Notification functionality setup through mail:

An admin can activate notification functionality for sending emails. Whenever a recipient gets an email from the admin, he also gets a notification indicating that he received an email.


An admin can view different kinds of reports graph-wise with a single click operation. They include Representative Report, Activity Log Report, Conversation Report, Service Provider, and Payment Report. He can also export a report in the .csv format.

Account Settings:

An admin can easily implement a range of data management settings across Document Category, Database Backup, Custom Services, Inquiry Management, etc.

Profile Edit:

An admin can edit his profile and introduce the latest changes in contact information to enhance accessibility.

Frontend Management

Home Page Slider management:

An admin can use the CMS functionality of the solution to manage sliders, slider content fonts, font colors, and font sizes and images.

Contact detail update:

An admin can update contact details over the website using the CMS functionality of the solution.

Home page content update:

An admin can update home page content details over the website using the CMS functionality of the solution.

Service section content update:

An admin can update service section content details over the website using the CMS functionality of the solution. He can add, remove or edit categories, images, etc.

Attorney Side


Job Create and manage:

An attorney can create and manage jobs by adding relevant details and updating status. He can send entries to trash, delete them from trash or restore them from the trash.

Patient management:

An attorney can manage and edit patient information or search for patients by parameters such as Name and Date. He can also search for patients by the starting alphabet of their name, or set the entries in ascending or descending order by the date.


Chat Functionality:

An attorney can activate the Chat functionality and chat with any of the patients or the admin. He can leave messages as well.


Event Create and manage Patient wise:

An attorney can create an event and manage the events patient-wise or vice versa.


Check invoices:

An attorney can check the invoices, status wise, date wise, or patient wise. He can view the invoices in a listed format and perform actions such as edition or viewing the relevant documents.


Profile management:

An attorney can edit his profile and introduce the latest changes in contact information to enhance accessibility.

Password Update:

An attorney can update his password over the account page.

Add Assistant:

An attorney can add any number of assistants over his account page and delegate responsibilities to them.

Billing Information to send money:

An attorney can update his billing information at any time to simplify financial transactions.

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