Evolve Hospitality Job Portal Case Study

  • Built for

  • industry


    Hospitality Job Portal
  • techno


  • country



About Evolve

Evolve is a recruitment consulting firm, specialized in the Hospitality industry and also has coverage of all major industries and multiple awarded for their excellent work.

Current Scenario

  • Evolve is a recruitment consulting firm that specialized for the Hospitality industry and also has coverage of all major industries and multiple awarded for their excellent work.
  • As of now, they are managing their recruitment services through other job portals by posting the jobs and selecting the right candidates for the jobs.
  • And also they have started expanding their services to multiple locations across the world and many in future.
  • So they want to build their own user-friendly system to give competition to other portals by hiring the best candidates for the jobs.

Existing System

  • Posting jobs on different portals to filter the right candidates is a difficult job from tough competition in the market from others.
  • And also working on others portals don’t give the flexibility to maintain a large number of  job seekers and the jobs data posted by their consultants.
  • Working on other sites will not give flexibility for their hospitality training.
  • With working on other job portals will consume time and long process to filter the right candidate for the job.
  • Even though the candidate is the best matching for the job, sometimes it won’t possible for him to contact the consultant.
  • Hospitality have good demand for the skilled resource, So filtering the right candidature and reaching to the right candidate is difficult to process in manual.
  • The complex verification process for Candidates and Employers.
  • To Implement a Solution for Privacy, Security & Proper Management System to maintain a highly trustworthy portal.
  • Consultant being a mediator between Jobseeker & Employer must have a scalable & powerful management system to maintain the Employee Data & yet have filtration for needed output.

Proposed Solution

After deep research into the evolve recruitment process, Cyblance come to a conclusion to build a system to manage their services at different locations and cyblance designed a system that consists of a complete solution by defining the following panel.

Customer Panel

  • Evolve job seeking members can create a profile and take advantage of the many features- Directly connecting members with the consultants across multiple locations.
  • Members of evolve can create a profile by adding skill set and they will receive mail alerts of jobs that match with their skill set and they can apply for it.
  • Cyblance implemented functionality in job seeker panel where a job seeker can add his ROTA, Flexible timings and also Job seeker can contact the consultant directly through the mail.
  • Cyblance incorporated hospitality training part in the system, where a job seeker can take training program makes best suitable for the job.

Consultant Panel

  • Cyblance designed a full-fledged consultant panel, where he/she can post complete description and specification of the skill set required for the job and can view the applicants, sort them on the basis of matching criteria.
  • Cyblance implemented consultant panel in frontend with full functionality where he can take personalized care about a job by viewing applicants that matching with the requirement and also he/she can activate/ deactivate the job for certain period.

Admin Panel

  • Cyblance Implemented a sophisticated CMS that allows the Evolve team to update and add new content to the site as needed.
  • Cyblance integrated front-end system with the well-defined database managed by the admin, it will contain Job seekers, jobs, consultant, and location wise team data and etc.
  • Cyblance built functionality for the admin where he/she can add, edit, delete the news and articles that help the job seekers in updating their skills.

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