Barometer, custom web application for the stats of countries

  • Built for

  • industry


    Education | Custom Web application | Custom CMS
  • techno


    PHP | CodeIgntier | responsive
  • country


    United Kingdom

About Project

Through its research and analytical tool, the Barometer of Human and Trade Union Rights, Education International provides a comprehensive report of the quality of education and respect for human and labour rights in countries around the world. As well as examining all levels of education, from early childhood to tertiary, it explores a whole array of issues that concerns the global education sector today, such as academic freedom, gender equality, students with special needs, refugee and minority children, and child labor.

Exclusive features

  • Website backend by which user can add/edit/delete/view country profiles and manage its statistics
  • Website has multilingual support
  • Through backend, user can set up statics for country profile
  • Website is displaying events, articles and news through web service from parent website
  • The website offers paid members for exclusive services, user can subscribe through recursive payment or one-time payment. Website offers stripe and paypal payment gateway.
  • Website is responsive, it’s compatible tablet and mobile which all device
  • Website is optimized for caching and load performance.

Major Screens

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