Le Gourmet eCommerce Store Redesign Case Study in BigCommerce Platform

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    United States of America

Our Project

Our client, Le Gourmet, is a gourmet food and online houseware retailer that emphasizes selling high-quality specialty food products. It is a one-stop shop offering a wide range of handpicked gourmet food and houseware products.

The owners approached Cyblance with a wish to update their old-fashioned store. They required a website that would help improve the user experience, boost store effectiveness, and simplify the buying process.

We embraced this challenge easily and then decided to improvise the website design and deliver Le Gourmet eCommerce website while launching it on the BigCommerce platform focusing on speed, usability, and visual appeal.

Existing System

Our competitive analysis of Le Gourmet’s website revealed that though the website was functional, some problems allowed for significant room for improvement:
  • Outdated Design: The existing store lacked a modern design with a simple and clean interface that would make it look visually appealing.
  • Old BigCommerce Theme Version: As the online platform operated on an outdated theme version, any new implementation of new features was not possible.
  • Site load time: Higher delays of site loads considerably reduced the retention and conversion of users.
  • Limited Filter Functionality: Basic filters of products made it quite challenging for users to find specific products.
  • Unoptimized Checkout Page: The checkout process was not streamlined, resulting in higher cart abandonment rates.
  • Design Issues of Blog Page: The existing blog section did not have an engaging design and proper categorization, and resulted in being less effective in attracting organic traffic.

Proposed Solutions

To eliminate the shortcomings of the existing online system, we suggested and executed the following solutions:

  1. Store Design Upgrade: In order to modernize the store’s design, HTML5 and CSS3 were used to alter the user interface to give it a fresh, modern design. While upgrading the store focus was kept on improving user engagement by ensuring intuitive navigation, a visually appealing product display, and a seamless browsing experience.

  1. Store Load Speed Optimization: Extensive speed optimization was done by minimizing the CSS, HTML, and JavaScript files which enabled lazy loading for images, and optimizing server response times. All these efforts greatly increased the speed at which pages loaded resulting in improving the overall shopping experience.

  1. Filter Functionality Upgrade: The product filter functionality was enhanced to allow the users to search by multiple criteria, such as price range, product type, and brand. This ensured that our customers had a streamlined search process.

  1. BigCommerce Theme Version Update: The store was updated to utilize the latest version of the big commerce theme which ensured that any additional features provided were utilized alongside using the latest external plugins/third-party integrations.

  1. Checkout Page Customization: To reduce cart abandonment, the checkout page was customized to make it user-friendly and faster. A simplified form layout, multiple payment options, and easy address autofill features were included as main features.

  1. Blog Page Design Optimization: We redesigned the blog section with an engaging layout and improved categorization. This made the blog more attractive to users and increased its potential for driving organic traffic to the store.


The upgraded Le Gourmet eCommerce store delivered exceptional results which include:

Enhanced User Experience: The modern and user-oriented design of the website and good navigation increased user engagement and the time spent browsing.
Improved Performance: The page load time was cut down by 40 percent due to load speed optimization, resulting in elevated user satisfaction.
Higher Conversion Rates: The customized checkout process reduced cart abandonment by 25%, contributing to a noticeable boost in sales.
Better Searchability: Customers were now able to locate desired products quickly, as the filter functionality was substantially upgraded.
Increased Organic Traffic: New designs and better categorization of blog pages generated more traffic, resulting in stronger SEO performance for the store.

Marketing for Cyblance

At Cyblance, we have professional experts who specialize in providing top-notch BigCommerce Store redesign services that are tailored just to meet our client’s specific needs.

Whether you require a complete design overhaul or performance optimization, we deliver scalable solutions that will enhance the functionality and aesthetics of your online store.

We have extensive experience in building eCommerce solutions tailored to specific business needs. 

Contact us to create scalable, secure, user-friendly platforms that drive business growth.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist with your next project.

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